
Refereed conference proceedings

June 2023

Development of an experimental setup for measuring ocean property changes resulting from turbulence

Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XV, ser. Proc. SPIE, vol. 12543

E. G. S. RugaiB. J. SlimmingD. BeniwalJ. MauG. DayV. DevrelisD. Delic

June 2023

The non-acoustic signatures of underwater vehicles

Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XV, ser. Proc. SPIE, vol. 12543

B. J. SlimmingD. BeniwalV. DevrelisJ. MauD. Delic

Nov. 2022

An image feature-based approach to improving SPAD Flash LiDAR imaging through fog

Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence VII, ser. Proc. SPIE, vol. 12274

J. MauJ. TrumpfG. DayD. Delic


The use of statistical mixture models to reduce noise in SPAD images of fog-obscured environments

SPIE Future Sens. Technologies, ser. Proc. SPIE, vol. 11525

J. MauV. DevrelisG. DayJ. TrumpfD. V. Delic


Through Thick and Thin: Imaging Through Obscurant using SPAD array

IEEE Sensors

J. MauV. DevrelisG. DayG. NashJ. TrumpfD. Delic


Impact of water quality on Single Photon Avalanche Diode direct time-of-flight imaging

Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast

J. MauV. DevrelisG. DayJ. TrumpfD. Delic


Estimation of underwater horizontal visibility for divers and ROVs

Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast

V. DevrelisJ. MauG. DayD. Delic

May 2019

Embedded implementation of a random feature detecting network for real-time classification of time-of-flight SPAD array recordings

Laser Radar Technol. and Appl. XXIV, ser. Proc. SPIE, vol. 11005

M.C. J. MauS. AfsharT. J. HamiltonA. van SchaikR. LussanaA. PanellaJ. TrumpfD. Delic